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Zodia Custody unveils brand evolution, reflecting established strength and continued commitment to institutional digital asset custody

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London, UK – 02.08.24 – Zodia Custody, a leading institution-first digital asset custodian whose shareholders include Standard Chartered, SBI Holdings, Northern Trust and National Australia Bank, today unveiled a brand evolution that reflects the company’s established values as a trusted partner for financial institutions, and its unwavering commitment to providing the highest standards of security and compliance within the digital asset landscape.

Zodia Custody’s new brand identity emphasises its deep understanding of the evolving needs of institutional investors, and its dedication to fostering a secure and efficient digital asset ecosystem. The company’s core values – security, client focus, and innovation – are woven throughout the brand refresh, cementing Zodia Custody’s position as the natural custodian of choice for institutions seeking a reliable and future-proof digital asset custody solution.

“From day one, all of us at Zodia Custody have been dedicated to a singular focus: to level up and mature the digital asset ecosystem and build an institution-first environment where digital assets can thrive,” said Julian Sawyer, CEO of Zodia Custody. “Thus, it is essential that as the ecosystem evolves and matures, we move in step. Which is why we are excited to present our refreshed brand identity to the world, as we also begin the next chapter in our growth story. We are committed to staying ahead of the curve, and empowering institutions to thrive in this ever-evolving landscape — without compromise.”

Louisa Schepers, Head of Marketing at Zodia Custody, adds that, “since our inception, Zodia Custody has been providing institutions with the essential infrastructure and expertise they need to navigate the digital asset landscape with confidence. Our brand evolution reflects what we have always been, and will continue to be, a steadfast leader in the digital asset landscape.”

Zodia Custody’s brand refresh comes at a time of significant growth for the company. With the backing of its prestigious shareholders, including Standard Chartered, SBI Holdings, Northern Trust, and most recently National Australia Bank, Zodia Custody is well-positioned to continue expanding its roster of partners, its range of industry-leading custody solutions, and its globally-renowned team of experts. In the last year alone, the custodian completed a string of strategic client wins and new partnerships across key markets, including 21Shares, Nasdaq, DWS, and Deribit, among others, as well as appointing senior hires across Europe and APAC.



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