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How Zodia Custody can help financial institutions
safely maximise the potential of the digital asset future

Solutions for banks and financial institutions

For banks looking to safely participate in the digital asset future,
Zodia Custody is a custodian that brings the dependability
and assurance of global Tier 1 financial institutions

For institutions, by institutions

Born out of SC Ventures, and backed by Standard Chartered, Northern Trust, National Australia Bank and SBI Holdings, we’ve been serving Tier 1 financial institutional clients from the beginning. Our strong banking heritage makes us best placed to build institution-first digital asset solutions for our clients

Multiple layers of defence

Define and embed multi-layer risk management processes to protect you from human error or mismanagement of funds. Create business rules, walled gardens and whitelists to transact only with approved entities and, set rules to monitor and approve all transactions

Compliance first

We welcome regulation and proactively engage to shape it in all the jurisdictions in which we operate. Our licensing and authorisations page contains more information

Trusted by leading financial institutions

Get in touch

Jim Webb

Head of Financial Institution Sales

    Institutional Investor Disclaimer

    The products and services offered by Zodia Custody and its affiliates are exclusively available to institutional investors, including accredited or professional investors, in accordance with applicable law and regulatory requirements. These products and services are not intended for the general public or for retail investors. By accessing this site and engaging with Zodia Custody or its affiliates for their products and services, you confirm that you qualify as an institutional investor and are not a member of the general public nor are you operating in the capacity of a retail investor.

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