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Collateral Protect

Where secure digital asset custody meets seamless
borrowing and lending

For institutional digital asset holders that want access to secure and seamless lending, Zodia Collateral Protect is an integrated solution that combines best in class loan management capability with bank-grade custody and administration

Step into the future of streamlined and secure digital asset lending with Zodia Collateral Protect

Minimise counterparty risk

Zodia's collateral wallet solution acts as a neutral buffer, mitigating the risk of loss for lenders in case of a borrower default. We ensure the safekeeping of digital assets, allowing lenders to focus on core business activities with greater peace of mind

Enhance borrower security

By leveraging a third-party custodian, borrowers retain control of their digital assets throughout the loan term. This eliminates the risk associated with surrendering their assets directly to the lender, fostering a sense of security and trust in the lending process

Eliminate friction

Streamlined, secure borrowing and lending transactions through automated integrations with carefully selected and fully vetted partners, designed to safeguard assets throughout the lending lifecycle


Delegate digital assets held securely with Zodia Custody to be used as collateral.

Set rules to restrict the flow of asset transfers from collateralised wallets

Ability to voluntarily invoke a Notice of Exclusive Control (NOEC) event on behalf of secured party

All collateral held in segregated wallets under Zodia Custody’s trust structure

Robust wallet delegation control to protect both the borrower and secured party interest, operationalised by Zodia

An account control agreement supplemented with wallet operational control mechanics

Ready to find out more?

Schedule a demo of this product with
one of our team

    Institutional Investor Disclaimer

    The products and services offered by Zodia Custody and its affiliates are exclusively available to institutional investors, including accredited or professional investors, in accordance with applicable law and regulatory requirements. These products and services are not intended for the general public or for retail investors. By accessing this site and engaging with Zodia Custody or its affiliates for their products and services, you confirm that you qualify as an institutional investor and are not a member of the general public nor are you operating in the capacity of a retail investor.

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