Explore Zodia Custody’s comprehensive solutions
Crypto natives
Power up the protection of your customers’ digital
assets as you scale up your business
Solutions for crypto native firms
Crypto native firms offering services, infrastructure and functionality
to power the digital assets ecosystem can trust Zodia Custody to keep
their customers’ funds safe, secure and segregated at all times.
Ironclad agility
Access to your digital assets whenever you need, with 24/7 instant withdrawals and zero-human intervention to move your funds from the safety of our air-gapped cold wallets.
No comingling of funds
Ensure proper division of operational funds and customer funds with Zodia’s fully segregated wallets. Mitigate against internal fraud, error, and mismanagement of funds with business-defined transaction approvals.
Trusted partner opportunities
Join our network of trusted digital asset providers on Gateway to reap the benefits of a deeper partnership with us. Connect your own services to our platform to open the door to a whole new ecosystem.
Trusted by leading financial institutions
Case studies
Get in touch

Zane Suren
Sales Director