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Pricing structure and fees

The information below summarises the pricing and fee structure utilised by Zodia Custody Limited and its affiliated entities (collectively, “Zodia”) when providing services to our clients. Further information on the pricing and fee structure for services provided to you will be set out in the Fee Letter, which may be updated from time to time.

Zodia Custody Pricing Policy

Pricing factors

Our pricing and fee structure aims to be fair and competitive, and takes into account various factors, which may include (but are not limited to):

  • Account set-up and maintenance
  • Account closure or exit management fees
  • Transaction fees
  • Venue
  • Type of instruction
  • Connectivity requirements
  • Asset type
  • Number of assets in custody
  • Ancillary services that the client selects or requests
  • Internal costs, such as capital, overheads, gas fees, out of pocket expenses, internal feeds
  • Volume, size, frequency, counterparty credit quality
  • Applicable legal or regulatory requirements

Third-party referral fees

There may be instances where we receive compensation for referring clients to third-party services. We will disclose such arrangements to you before any referral is made.

Changes to pricing policy

We reserve the right to adjust our pricing policy to reflect changes in the market or our cost structure. Any changes will be communicated to our clients with adequate notice.

Contact us

Please contact us for further information on the information set out above.

Institutional Investor Disclaimer

The products and services offered by Zodia Custody and its affiliates are exclusively available to institutional investors, including accredited or professional investors, in accordance with applicable law and regulatory requirements. These products and services are not intended for the general public or for retail investors. By accessing this site and engaging with Zodia Custody or its affiliates for their products and services, you confirm that you qualify as an institutional investor and are not a member of the general public nor are you operating in the capacity of a retail investor.

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